Renhold Neighbourhood Plan Logo

Neighbourhood Plan

Renhold Parish Council's Neighbourhood Plan

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A Vision for Renhold, Bedfordshire

To protect and improve the village community and the landscape within which it sits.


Regulation 14 Public Consultation November 18th 2024 to January 13th 2025

What is a Neighbourhood Plan?


A Neighbourhood Plan is a document that will set out planning policies for Renhold. These polices will be used by Bedford Borough Council to decide whether or not to approve planning applications.


The Neighbourhood Plan is being written by a group of Renhold residents, not the Local Planning Authority or the Parish Council.


The completed Neighbourhood Plan will ensure that Renhold gets the types of development that we want, in the places that we want.


So why bother with a Neighbourhood Plan?


Our Neighbourhood Plan can:

·       Influence and manage the type and location of new building in the Parish

·       Protect against inappropriate development

·       Include policies that will maintain the character of the Parish, and

·       Protect green space


Our Neighbourhood Plan can also

·       Set out improvements needed to infrastructure and services

·       Be used by Bedford Borough Council to secure finance where evidence of need or deficiency has been demonstrated

·       Reflect the needs of residents and aid discussions with developers on housing type and mix

·       Help ensure that the recreational and social needs of local people are considered in future developments, and

·       Specify areas of the Parish for employment and commercial use if needed


Renhold Map

Latest Neighbourhood Plan News

The Regulation 14 Consultation on the Draft Plan has now closed
A full analysis of the responses is being undertaken and the results will be posted here in due course.