
Latest Renhold Parish News

Rural Bulky Waste Collection Service 2022

Services and terms & conditions of Renhold's Rural Bulky Waste Collection Service 2022
Annual Public Meeting of the Renhold Cottages

Annual Public Meeting of the Renhold Cottages

The Annual Public Meeting of the above charity is to be held on Monday 20th June at 4:30pm at the Chapter House, All Saints Church
Two Parish Councillor Vacancies

Two Parish Councillor Vacancies

Renhold Parish Council Notice of Vacancies: North and South West wards
Parish of Renhold Meeting of Electors

Parish of Renhold Meeting of Electors

The Annual Meeting of RENHOLD PARISH ELECTORS will be held at 7:00pm at the Chapter House, (through the Church) on MONDAY 23rd MAY 2022
Neighbourhood Plan - Drop-In Session

Neighbourhood Plan - Drop-In Session

Tuesday 3rd May 6pm - 8pm at Renhold Village Hall