Carriageway Resurfacing Works in Your Ward – Wilden Road, Renhold

Carriageway resurfacing works at Wilden Road, Renhold will shortly be starting as part of the 2022-23 capital maintenance programme

Carriageway Resurfacing Works in Your Ward – Wilden Road, Renhold

Wilden Road, Renhold Location Plan-A1.png

Carriageway resurfacing works at Wilden Road, Renhold will shortly be starting as part of the 2022-23 capital maintenance programme as shown in the attached plan and as outlined on the Bedford Borough Council website (

The works have been programmed by our contractor Hanson Contracting Ltd and are planned to start on 3rdOctober 2022. The works are currently planned to be completed on 14th October. The attached letter will be issued to affected residents shortly informing them of the works and access arrangements during the work. These works have been programmed to be completed weekdays during off-peak hours (09:00 to 15:30) and a diversion route will be in place via Great Barford and Ravensden during the hours of the road closures.