
Latest Renhold Parish News

Parish of Renhold Meeting of Electors

Parish of Renhold Meeting of Electors

The Annual Meeting of RENHOLD PARISH ELECTORS will be held at 7:00pm at the Chapter House, (through the Church) on MONDAY 23rd MAY 2022
Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

Platinum Jubilee Bonfire Beacon at Howbury Hall on Thursday 2nd June 7:15 till late Free Admission by Ticket only
An Evening with Richard Fuller

An Evening with Richard Fuller

Renhold Parish Council was delighted to host a freewheeling Question and Answer session with Richard Fuller M.P. on 17th March
Save Our Greenfields Protest Walks

Save Our Greenfields Protest Walks

Meet at 11:45, Renhold Village Hall for 12 Midday walk, 13th February 2022
Death of Duke of Edinburgh

Death of Duke of Edinburgh

Renhold Parish Council was deeply saddened to learn about the death of His Royal Highness Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh