Parish of Renhold Meeting of Electors

The Annual Meeting of RENHOLD PARISH ELECTORS will be held at 7:00pm at the Chapter House, (through the Church) on MONDAY 23rd MAY 2022

Parish of Renhold Meeting of Electors


The Annual Meeting of RENHOLD PARISH ELECTORS will be held at 7:00pm at the Chapter House, (through the Church) on MONDAY 23rd MAY 2022
All residents are warmly invited to attend

Tea and coffee will be available


  1. 1)  Welcome by Parish Council Chair

  2. 2)  Apologies for absence

  3. 3)  Introductions

  4. 4)  Minutes of the last meeting held on 5th September 2019

  5. 5)  Matters Arising

  6. 6)  To receive reports from village organisations and residents

  7. 7)  To discuss funding opportunities available to local groups

  8. 8)  Close of Meeting (10:00 pm latest)

    Your Parish Council is listening and wants to hear from you!