Footway Resurfacing Works in Your Ward – Ravensden Road, Renhold

The works have been programmed by our contractor Breheny Civil Engineering Ltd and are planned to start on 26th February 2024

Footway Resurfacing Works in Your Ward – Ravensden Road, Renhold

F10216.C.01 Ravensden Road Renhold Location Plan.jpg

Footway works will commence shortly on Ravensden Road. This work will shortly be starting as part of the 2023-24 capital maintenance programme as shown in the attached plan and as outlined on the Bedford Borough Council website (

The works have been programmed by our contractor Breheny Civil Engineering Ltd and are planned to start on 26th February 2024.  These works are expected to take 10 working days to complete under two way temporary traffic lights under restricted daytime hours of 0900-1530. The attached letter will be issued to affected residents shortly informing them of the works and access arrangements during the work.

Download: Relocation Plan

Download: Residents Notification